Tuesday, March 9, 2021

SHE - H. Rider Haggard

Horace Holly and his ward Leo Vincey head off to darkest Africa to to find a Kingdom ruled by a white Queen known as "She" short for "She Who Must Be Obeyed" ( so it wasn't John Mortimer).

This is a tale of the supernatural and a 'ripping yarn" that Haggard is known for, it has never been out of print but I dear say its days are numbered as it is seen as 'Imperialist'.

It s a fun adventure read and hopefully the cancellers never get to it.


THE FLOATING ADMIRAL - by Members of the Detection Club

A crime novel with each chapter written by a different author, all members of The Detection Club.  Authors are G.K Chesterton, Agatha Christie, Henry Wade, Freeman Wills Crofts, Ronald Knox, Dorothy L. Sayers and others.

Obviously some chapters are stronger than others as some of the authors were much better writers than others, its a novelty novel to be read and put on the shelf.

LORD JIM- Joseph Conrad

This is an early Conrad novel, a story of redemption.

The tale is narrated by Marlowe who features in several Conrad novels.  I struggled with this as the narrator is so verbose, I found it tiring .  I've only read a few of Conrad's works but 'The Secret Agent' is still my favourite




Haven't read this since I was about 15 years old.  Its popularity at time of publishing is understandable due to its subject matter, but without the movie I believe it would be long forgotten.

Not one that'll be re-read again.


A collection of essays , again laugh out loud  and very very clever.  Been looking for more of his books second hand but appear rare.

ANGRY CANDY- Harlan Ellison


I'm not a huge reader of fantasy/ science fiction but this collection  of short stories are fantastic.  Brilliant writing and laugh out loud in places, a new favourite author on this collection alone.

THE MAN WHO SMILED- Henning Mankell


This is an early book in the " Wallander "series and drags a bit but they get better so worth reading.  I'd suggest reading them in order


From the greatest 'caper' writer of them all.  A tale of a group attempting to corner the commodities market with a side story of a series of murders.

Thomas is fantastic.

MOONRAKER - Ian Fleming

Forget the literary snobs, Fleming is fun.  To be read and re-read


FIVE LITTLE PIGS - Agatha Christie

Not one of her classics but as always a great diversion for a lazy day 


His espionage histories are readable.  West's first novel is not  

ON THE BEACH - Nevil Shute

Set after a world wide nuclear war, a group in Australia live with the impending arrival of the radioactive cloud from the northern hemisphe...