Each essay is standalone, a benefit is there is very little repetition . A very good overview with a conclusion that stands up.
A list of books I've read recently with some occasional gibberish thrown in.
Each essay is standalone, a benefit is there is very little repetition . A very good overview with a conclusion that stands up.
Supposedly a biography of Anthony Blunt, but what we get is a very detailed history of the Cambridge spy's as a whole. Very detailed, very interesting.
I love seeing politicians made to look foolish, but in this case they did it themselves. I knew Thatcher was arrogant & I've been a fan, but I never knew she made decisions like those re-counted here that proved her, on this matter at least, to be nothing less than stupid
Some things are much better off left alone, George Smiley is one of them. This isn't terrible but its not close to what his father wrote on his worst day
Absolutely beautiful writing. As always nothing marvellous in the mystery , but the writing is superb, worth the price alone for its descriptions of the Irish landscape.
A nice overview, my handicap is having zero knowledge of the geography over which the war was fought. A particularly brutal war.
An interesting man who never wasted a minute of his relatively short life but this is very dull reading.
Its one of Lownies first outings and suffers from the dreaded in biography , and then and then and...
It reads like an over long magazine profile.
Brilliant writing and very moving at the end, he wrote this column right up until his death from cancer. The columns are often very funny, and apparently he was one of the great night outs
Always a delight, never anything too controversial or earth shatteringly insightful but filled with humour and a gentle take on the absurdity of life. Still an exceptionally busy man
He was not a traitor, his intelligence was way too limited to even comprehend what an act of treason was.
A vile couple of humans.
This is a light read, borders on the melodramatic at times but the sources are impeccable. They were both horrible people, the selfishness is truly epic.
I've spent years trying to understand Irish politics and I'm still no closer even after reading this very interesting biography.
Complex would be understating what Collins was, if he hadn't been assassinated who knows how things would have panned out , but reading this I'm suggesting much of the blood shed 50 years later wouldn't have occurred.
A much easier read than Coogan's book on De Valera.
A strange wee book, not sure if its a memoir with history thrown in or visa versa. Its premise is the occupation of France during the two World Wars. World War One, gets 41 pages so it concentrates on WWII.
It's strange in part that parts of the supposed history are taken from novels written about the time.
Cobb apparently rejected that he was a Marxist but its hard to discern this from the text.
The preface is outstanding, the cover photograph is brilliant. But, a strange wee book.
A detailed history that starts asking and finishes supporting "On War" by General Carl Von Clausewitz, that war is just an extension of politics'.
From the stone age to modern times we have the history of man killing man,with the various ways they have devised to do this. Fascinating reading
A short book about books on the World War II with commentary and criticism.
Added immensely to the reading list.
A fantastic book. The Nazi's were monsters and the SS took it to the next level.
Himmler may have been the head of the SS but Heydich was the prime monster of the entire regime.
Published in 1970 this should be compulsory reading in schools
Very detailed, very interesting, the first fifty years of this rather amazing family. You could never say they wouldn’t take a punt. Proved that family is everything, risk was spread coupled with a strong work ethic and a fortune made. Disproves many of the anti Semitic myths that have been around for a couple of centuries
Get through the first chapter and you find the British enlightenment is a fascinating subject and 18th century Britain was an exciting place to be.
A very detailed history political history of Poland. It goes backward in history from 1983. I found it heavy going which is unusual for Davies but its chock full of interesting information
Another book huge in scope but the author keeps it all manageable and readable.
Fantastic, buy this book
The author of this memoir is also the author of the " Flashman" series. This is a personal memoir of his time with his section in Burma. It’s very well written, funny , tragic with one of the best introductions to a book I’ve read. My only trouble was trying to understand the Cumbrian accent that its written in, but apart from that worth finding and reading
The entire 1st World War in 190 pages. Some interesting snippets but in reality this would serve better as a series of lectures
Albania obviously doesn't have any oil because no one cared a jot about this hell hole.
This is a collection of oral histories, of course there will be exaggerations but the bottom line is the people of Albania suffered horrendously for decades under an insane communist regime.
Sadly, the grand children of those that suffered are already disbelieving about what went on, so books like this are important so no one ever forgets.
Simply brilliant. This is not a narrative history of battles and individuals , rather a why, who, and how individuals and groups acted the way they did and the why they had to.
The best of Hastings I have read. I agree with the thinking, the bombs weren't about saving Japanese lives but saving American lives. This is rationally laid out and it was the correct decision.
A short book on what would be described as a "minor raid" but very interesting for the fact that this was one of the first parachute assaults by the allies.
Even with the best of plans things still go horribly wrong. A good read as always with Hastings
There is nothing conclusive to suggest that Pontecorvo was a spy, however there are several dozens interesting tidbits in here. Again, just how useless were MI5? The Answer: Staggeringly .
This is very heavy on nuclear physics, all of which went straight over my head, but worth the effort if you are interested in the the Cold War.
A great read about Ursula Kuczynski who spied for Russia for decades, survived Stalin's purges, and died in her 90's.
A remarkable woman, raised three children and ran among many others Klaus Fuchs, the spy who did the most damage to the west, by passing on almost daily updates regarding the wests development of the nuclear bomb to Russia.
MacIntyre is very readable
An interesting read. The lengths the U.S went to to secure Nazi chemists and rocket scientists was amazing as well as obscene. A large number of the Nazi's that the U.S gave a new life to should have been hanged, but expediency won the day and they were given the key to a new life.
The most ridiculous thing I noticed was at the same time they were saving these Nazi's they were executing the Rosenbergs for spying. Politics sure are grand.
A great read, great history of the city itself before and after the war.
The book buries many myths about the bombing, especially the death toll, while an enormous loss of life, its wasn't extraordinary.
Dresden was not some idyllic city with no involvement in the war. It was an integral transport hub and this was one of the reasons it was targeted. Whether the second & thirds waves should have taken place, historians will argue about that until the end of time.
A fantastic book.
An absolute brutal war, senseless on so many levels. Luckily, MacArthur was sacked , or we would live in a very different way if we lived at all
A book on a spy written by a scientist, I thought it may drag but it was the exact opposite. The story of Fuchs reads like a thriller. Find the book and read it, amazing.
My book of the year already
A very interesting read. Lots of history but how the King James translation came about is the star of the show.
Possibly the only positive achievement of any committee, ever, at anytime.
You read essays of this quality and realize just how little you know and how things have never been as they appear to have been taught .
These essays/lectures are available on Youtube
A short journal of a ten day trip to North Korea by Palin and film crew.
It is very light but they were under enormous restrictions and I believe it was kept this way so as not to stop future tours of this type going to the country.
You can literally read this in a decent bath.
The author goes into the social background of Britain at the time the eventual 'five' were recruited. There was a genuine belief among many young wealthy types and "academics" ( please spare us from them and for evermore) that communism was the answer to the imbalance in society perhaps a way to fight the rise of fascism.
This is a great read, it shows Burgess as a much more productive spy than as the drunken Buffon that he often portrayed.
These five will continue to get written about as more papers are released. To think there was only five spying is naïve in the extreme. I suspect there were dozens but as the British intelligence services were so totally incompetent we will never know a number and how many deals were done like in Blunt's case.
This is hard to get in hard back but easy in paperback so get it and read it if this period interests you at all.
Set after a world wide nuclear war, a group in Australia live with the impending arrival of the radioactive cloud from the northern hemisphe...