Friday, May 31, 2024



An interesting read.  The lengths the U.S went to to secure Nazi chemists and rocket scientists was amazing as well as obscene.  A large number of the Nazi's that the U.S gave a new life to should have been hanged, but expediency won the day and they were given the key to a new life.

The most ridiculous thing I noticed was at the same time they were saving these Nazi's they were executing the Rosenbergs for spying.  Politics sure are grand.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

DRESDEN Tuesday 13 February 1945 -Frederick Taylor


A great read, great history of the city itself before and after the war.

The book buries many myths about the bombing, especially the death toll, while an enormous loss of life, its wasn't extraordinary.

Dresden was not some idyllic city with no involvement in the war.  It was an integral transport hub and this was one of the reasons it was targeted.  Whether the second & thirds waves should have taken place, historians will argue about that until the end of time.

A fantastic book.

Friday, May 17, 2024

THE KOREAN WAR -Max Hastings


An absolute brutal war, senseless on so many levels. Luckily, MacArthur was sacked , or we would live in a very different way if we lived at all

TRINITY - Frank Close


A book on a spy written by a scientist, I thought it may drag but it was the exact opposite.  The story of Fuchs reads like a thriller.  Find the book and read it, amazing.

My book of the year already

POWER AND GLORY - Adam Nicholson


A very interesting read.  Lots of history but how the King James translation came about is the star of the show.

Possibly the only positive achievement of any committee, ever, at anytime.

ON THE BEACH - Nevil Shute

Set after a world wide nuclear war, a group in Australia live with the impending arrival of the radioactive cloud from the northern hemisphe...