Goodness gracious me ,this is tedious.
James Earl Carter was elected the 39th president of the U.S.A for one term between 1977 and 1981.
This diary covers these years with a daily account ( abridged from 5000 actual pages!!!!) of how he has all the answers - with every suggestion and idea God sent and with anybody who has the effrontery to disagree, a fool or sadly misguided.
Carter is probably a decent man, but he has a mighty high opinion of himself even for a politician.
Everything that went wrong during his presidency, the Iran hostages, stagflation, high unemployment - was all someone else's fault.
It was Ted Kennedy's fault that he didn't get re-elected for a second term, not his, every ones fault except Jimmy's.
He is also blatantly anti-Semitic, Israel is a problem, Jews are a problem according to this, Egypt et el were never at fault and the Israeli's just wouldn't listen to Carter, who naturally had all the answers to the Middle East problems.
Of course my question was if he was so bloody clever ,why did the American public reject him like no one really before or since.
Carter has the distinction of being one of only four Presidents elected for just one term since 1900 before being shown the door. (exceptions - others due to assassinations, sudden death and resignations .)
He just does not seem to get it at any stage. All through his presidency he has the press absolutely against him, which is just about impossible, given the Democratic leanings of the New York Times and The Washington Post.
This fact, that he has trouble with the press, is the only fault he acknowledges in a postscript, truly staggering when you look back at the events that were occurring in the world in the late 1970's.
After struggling, and it was a struggle, through 537 pages of egoistic musings, I found myself actively disliking the writer.
And last, but not least, he doesn't even mention his "Playboy Magazine" interview where he admitted to having 'lustful thoughts". This at the very least may have added some humour to proceedings.
Jimmy is just not a fun guy,not a bad man, just boring and egotistical.( and with diaries you do not want boring)
What were the Americans thinking?
If they thought they were atoning for Nixon , they over compensated, just like I believe they have done with the incumbent POTUS