Thursday, June 3, 2010


Finally, 16 years after the publication of The Dark Stuff we have something new.

Apathy for the Devil is the seventies memoir of Kent, who at the age of 20 became one of rocks premier writers, touring with everyone, partying with everyone and ended up a homeless, broken junkie with nothing - all this in the space of 10 years.

It's a memoir of brutal honesty with his admitting he got too big for his boots way too fast and the smack got him.

He met everyone who was anyone in the 70's music scene and became a celebrity himself, usually due to his totally self destructive side which consumes him in the end. There are anecdotes too numerous to even bother mentioning but its all fascinating stuff.

Its great reading especially for the rock and roll trainspotter, but as Nick Kent is a seriously gifted writer its doubly good.

And this isn't a plot spoiler, he cleaned up and has been "Joe Persil" for 20 years. I am hopeful that this will get him writing a bit more, 16 years between efforts is a bit on the tired side.

A brilliant "must" read.

P.S The title comes from a throw away line spoken by Bob Dylan when asked for a comment regarding The Rolling Stones

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