Sunday, March 7, 2010

AND THEN YOU DIE - Michael Dibdin

I bought this crime novel in a rush as Borders was closing.

I read it and it was not great actually. Actually it was a long way from the ...unputdownable.... on its cover blurb.

The hero is a Italian Detective Aurelio Zen who is hiding from the mafia who want to kill him. People about him start to die and the plot thickens.

Anyway I waited and waited for the revelation but it didn't come. What happened was 174 pages of tripe. I waited for the humour, the paranoia that drips from each page but it never happened.

This is one of a series, about number seven I believe and perhaps if I had been along from the beginning I might have got this but I don't think so.

The feeling I got was that it was written to fulfill a contractual obligation because otherwise it is a waste of trees.

If I read another one of this series it will be because it was a gift.

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