Sunday, January 29, 2012


Political Manager Clint Shartelle and P.R guru Peter Upshaw are contracted to see that Chief Sunday Akomolo is elected Premier of the soon to be independent African nation Albertia.

To do this they enlist campaign tactics from the U.S that have seen Shartelle's candidates loose only once in his career. Upshaw is there to write the speeches , pay the bills and drink alot of gin and brandy.

As usual with Ross Thomas the dialogue is sharp and sparkles, the story is interesting with insider information regarding how campaigns are run.

Amusing and as with all Thomas's writings a twist in the tail at the end.

Thomas never wrote a bad sentence and I am an unashamed cheerleader but it is very good. This is out of print  which is a crime but is available over the net from the U.S. (Published 1967)

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