Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FIDDLE CITY - Dan Kavanagh

The second 'Duffy' story written by Julian Barnes under under his pen name. Again a very low key story with Duffy being hired to uncover a series of thefts at a freight firm situated at Heathrow Airport - Fiddle City-.

He plods away in an undercover role meeting hindrance after hindrance from staff and management alike but eventually he solves one problem and uncovers a much more serious crime.

Its not a bad read but lacking a lot of the humour that was present  in the previous story of his I have read but it makes sense and is well written as you would expect from Barnes.

The only question I have over this and the whole series is what is the point of having the main man bi-sexual? Generally sex in a crime novel is a distraction , with Duffy doing both boys and girls you just end up twice as distracted.

A fair work and its short so even if it doesn't completely enthrall you it is over quickly. ( Published 1981)

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STAMBOUL TRAIN - Graham Greene

  An early Greene, great writing.  He was a genius