Sunday, May 25, 2014

WHY ORWELL MATTERS - Christopher Hitchens

A series of essays on Orwell,covering Orwell and the Left, Orwell and The Right, Orwell and America and several other topics.

Hitchens is a huge fan and takes on all comers who criticize his man, and  there are plenty that do, but in normal Hitchens style he bats them off with his arguments, and like or loath him Hitchens can argue.

Very entertaining, much more so than Orwell's novels which I find a bit depressing.  Hitchens makes his arguments for Orwell on his essays not on the novels.  Hitchens does not think Orwell a saint,  more a candidate for beatification,which incidentally neither of them believed in anyway.

The best thing for me was reading this on a Kindle with the dictionary function.  When you have a vocabulary that is rather bare when compared with the author it is a very handy tool.

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  I love seeing politicians made to look foolish, but in this case they did it themselves.  I knew Thatcher was arrogant & I've been...