Thursday, January 21, 2016

ORYX AND CRAKE - Margaret Atwood

This is a truly remarkable book, from the time I started I didn't put it down apart from sleeping for the one night.

Snowman, the last human alive perhaps is living in a dystopian world that has been destroyed by 'the corporations'.  How this has come about is explained in flashback.   Crake is Snowman's life long friend and Oryx an ex-sex slave who becomes the lover of both.

This is a massive feat of imagination which I enjoyed more than The Hand Maids Tale.

This world our characters inhabit is bleak, ruined by man, a world the more pessimistic among us believe is inevitable.

I can't adequately describe this so read reviews by professionals but this knocked my socks off.

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  One of two Le Carre novels that are not a spy stories.  This is a murder mystery with Smiley leading the charge.  It is outstanding.